Digital marketing sounds like a very powerful thing, but in fact, it is really powerful

Because with the widespread use of the Internet and social media, digital marketing has become a general trend. So sisters, it can really be a great choice for future employment. You can have a brief understanding of it first.

Digital marketing is mainly divided into 5 major sectors:

  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Search EngineOptimization
  • Affiliate Marketing

Many colleges and universities in the UK actually offer this major.
Today I will give you a summary of the institutions in the top 200 QS rankings.

Before we start, let me talk about a few more important points:

1. All application requirements mentioned in the article are the latest application requirements at the time of writing. The school’s requirements may change every year. Those who were able to apply in previous years may not be able to apply now, and those who are able to apply now may not be able to apply in the future!
2. If you want to check the list, you can leave a comment and tell me the specific undergraduate school background and the specific school and major you want to apply for.
3. If you want to evaluate and decide on a school, you can leave a comment and tell me the undergraduate school background (specific school), major, average scores, and the major direction you intend to apply for.
4. Generally, it is only online from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays, so it is best to click follow and add V

University of Manchester

MSc Digital Marketing


  • Marketing Management in the Digital Age
  • Marketing Implementation and Strategy
  • Marketing Research in Practice in a Digital Context
  • Current Topics in Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Marketing Communications in a Digital Environment
  • Digital Marketing Analytics
  • User Experience (UX) Design and Web Analytics
  • Digital Business
  • Retail Marketing
  • Business to Business Marketing
  • Services Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior

International Marketing
Entry Requirements:

1. No professional background required
2. Apply to Kaman University Business School’s own list. There are 81 mainland universities in the list, and students with different school backgrounds will receive three scores: 83/85/87.
3. IELTS 7, sub-score 6.5
Tuition fee: 29,000 euros

King’s College London

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Communications
  • Digital Consumer Behavior
  • Research in Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Dissertation
  • Social Media and Marketing
  • Neuromarketing
  • Omnichannel Retailing
  • International e-Services Marketing
  • Marketing and Sustainability
  • Brand Management
  • B2B Marketing
  • Web Technologies
  • Entry Requirements

1. It is highly recommended to be familiar with some data analysis/statistical software, such as Microsoft Excel or SPSS or similar software. To meet the academic entry requirements for this course, you should have an undergraduate degree at least a 2:1 above, with a final grade of at least 65% or above on the UK scale. If you are still studying, you should achieve a minimum average of 65% or above on the UK scale.
2. Judging from past admission cases, Haiben, 211,985 colleges and universities account for the majority, with an average score of over 85 points.
3. IELTS 7, sub-score 6.5
Tuition fees: 31,260 pounds

University of Bristol
MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)Master of Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)

  • Management and Organization
  • Strategy and Finance and Accounting for Management
  • Academic, Personal and Professional Development
  • Operations and Marketing Management
  • Management Research Methods
  • Digitalisation, Big Data and Value Creation
  • The Management Research Project: Dissertation
  • The Management Research Project: Applied Extended Project
  • The Management Research Project: Global Challenges Team Project

Entry Requirements:
1. Accept applications from any subject background
2. If you have your own list, you need to send a private message to inquire. Judging from the past admission data, the average score is at least 83 points.
3. IELTS 7, sub-score 6.5
Tuition fee: 29,200 pounds

University of Southampton
MSc Digital Marketing

  • Customer Insights
  • Customer Insight
  • Digital Analytics
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Integrated Marketing Communication Design
  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Research Methods for Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Applications
  • Dissertation for Marketing
  • Managing Digital Design and Web Development
  • Marketing Practice Based Dissertation
  • Services Marketing

Entry Requirements:
1. You need a 2:1 degree in a business, economics, management or marketing related subject. We do not accept the following subjects: Language Studies – Degrees that focus on learning a language or how to translate it, such as ‘Business English’, ‘Applied English’ or ‘Translation’, are not accepted. However, this restriction does not apply to ‘English’ and ‘English Literature’ degrees taught in the UK. Art/Design/Vocational Study – A degree focused on learning a particular form of art, craft or profession. These degrees include art, graphic design, photography, television broadcasting, script writing or acting/dance.
2. Nan’an has its own list, you need to send a private message to check it.
3. IELTS 6.5, reading and writing 6.5, other 6
Tuition fees: £26,352

QS Top 200 Universities in the UK–Analysis of Digital Marketing Majors (23rd Edition)

Newcastle University
MSc Digital Business (E-Marketing)

  • Graduation thesis
  • Research Methods (ICE/ABC/E-Business)
  • Research Methods (ICE/ABC/E-Business)
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Competing with IT
  • Data Analytics for Managers
  • Strategy, Management and Information Systems
  • E-Business
  • Digital Start-up
  • Digital Marketing
  • Principles of Marketing

Entry Requirements

1. There is no restriction on undergraduate major background, any discipline can apply
2. Have your own list and need to query it
3. IELTS 6.5 score 6
Tuition fees: 24,000 pounds

Lancaster University |
MSc Digital Business, Innovation and ManagementMaster of Digital Business, Innovation and Management

  • Core & Emerging Technologies
  • Digital Business & Marketing
  • Information Systems, Strategy & Innovation
  • Information Technology Consulting and Project Management
  • Management and Organizations in a Digital World
  • Research & Professional Skills
  • Technology Futures, Analysis and Design
  • Consultancy Project
  • Enterprise Systems & Business Analytics
  • Managing IT Architecture
  • Research Dissertation
  • Rethinking Leadership
  • Start Up Project

The Management of Organizational Change: Challenges and Debates
Entry Requirements:
1. There is no restriction on undergraduate major background, students with work experience are preferred.
2. You have your own list, you can inquire via private message
3. IELTS 6.5, sub-score 6
Tuition fees: 24,150 pounds

Queen Mary University of London
MSc Digital MarketingMaster of Digital Marketing

  • Relationship and Network Marketing
  • Social Marketing for Social Justice
  • Research Methods for Marketing
  • Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age
  • Sustainability Marketing, Ethics and CSR
  • Digital Marketing
  • Dissertation for Marketing
  • Introduction to Marketing Management
  • Al for Business
  • Business Digital Analytics
  • Integrated Digital Communications and Campaigning
  • Business Game

Entry Requirements
1. No restriction on undergraduate major background
2. If you have your own admission list, you can inquire via private message
3. IELTS 7, sub-score 6
Tuition fee: 28,950 pounds