What is Big Data?

Big Data refers to data sets that cannot be captured, managed and processed by traditional software tools within a certain time frame. It is a massive, high-growth, and diverse information asset that requires new processing models to have greater decision-making, insight and discovery, and process optimization capabilities.

Big data has the following roles:

First, big data processing and analysis is becoming a node for the integration and application of next-generation information technology.

Mobile Internet, Internet of Things, social network, digital home, e-commerce, etc., are the application forms of the new generation of information technology, and these applications are continuously generated. Big data cloud computing provides storage and computing platforms for these massive and diverse big data, and through the management, processing, analysis and optimization of data from different sources, the results are fed back to the above applications, which will create huge economic and social values.

Second, big data is a new engine for the sustained high growth of the information industry

New technologies, products, services and forms of Big Data market will continue to emerge. In the field of hardware and integrated devices, Big Data will have an important impact on the chip and storage industry, and will give rise to markets such as integrated data storage and processing servers and memory computing, etc. In the field of software and services, Big Data will lead the development of rapid data processing and analysis, data mining technologies and software products.

Third, the use of big data will become a key factor in improving core competitiveness.

Decision-making in all industries is changing from “business-driven” to “data-driven”.

Big data is a large amount of high-speed, volatile information that requires new processing methods to facilitate stronger decision-making, insight, and optimization, and it provides unprecedented space and potential for enterprises to gain deeper and broader insight.

What are the application areas of big data technology?

1. E-commerce field: I believe the application of big data in the field of e-commerce is not uncommon. Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce platforms use big data technology to analyze user information, so as to push products of interest to users and stimulate consumption.

2. Government field: “Smart City” has been tried to operate in many places. Through big data, government departments can sense the changing needs of social development, so as to provide corresponding public services and resource allocation for citizens in a more scientific, accurate and reasonable manner.

3. Medical field: Through clinical data comparison, remote patient data analysis, real-time statistical analysis, medical behavior analysis, etc., the medical industry can assist one-stop clinical decision-making, standardize the treatment path, and improve the efficiency of one-stop clinic.

4. Media field: Media-related enterprises collect all kinds of information, classify, screen, clean and process in depth to accurately locate and grasp the needs of readers and audiences, track users’ browsing habits, and continuously optimize information.

5. Security field: the security industry can achieve fuzzy query, fast retrieval and accurate positioning of video images, which can further dig the value information behind the massive video surveillance data and feedback connotation knowledge to assist decision-making.

6. Education field: Through the learning analysis of big data, a personalized curriculum can be tailored for each student and a challenging learning plan can be provided for students for years of learning.